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The Solution

Our implementing partners work with and through partnerships with government and communities to deliver public health innovations at scales adequate for state and national impact.

The Antara Foundation (TAF) focuses on the mothers and children most at risk. TAF supports the government to make the public health delivery system effective and efficient without creating a parallel system. This is also the best way to assure sustainability.

TAF's solution involves four steps

Antara Foundation Model


TAF works through a combination of interventions, that together tackle different components of the rural public health system. TAF's ecosystem of interventions across eight critical areas ensures they vastly improve maternal and child health and nutrition outcomes in rural India. 

Antara Foundation Ecosystem

TAF's Key Interventions

AAA Platform

A collaborative data-sharing platform that brings the three frontline workers in each village together, to create household-level village maps, prioritize risk, review progress and plan actions together.


A mobile app that digitally links the three frontline workers, enabling a common beneficiary database, seamless data-sharing, improved data quality, coordination, transparency and follow-up.

Rationalized Registers

Enhance record-keeping registers of frontline workers by eliminating redundancies, ensuring comprehensiveness of services and introducing user-friendly design elements to improve data quality and decision-making.

Nurse Mentoring

Improve poorly-equipped labor rooms to ensure availability of essential drugs and equipment and proper protocols. Alongside, improve knowledge and skills of delivery nurses in public health facilities.

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